Estland entdecken
Discover Estonia

Estland entdecken: Highlights wie Tallinns Altstadt & Soomaa Nationalpark

Contrary to the typical routes, this year's summer vacation did not take us to the south, but to the north of Europe. In July, we packed our bags and flew to Estonia. The beautiful Baltic country combines Scandinavian and Eastern European culture and way of life like no other. The summers are not so hot and the nights are brighter for longer. How we liked it and what you can experience in the capital Tallinn and the surrounding area, you can find out in the article.

Zypern erleben!
Experience Cyprus!

Excursion tips for a holiday in Cyprus

In May 2023 we spent 5 days on the beautiful Mediterranean island of Cyprus and saw and experienced a lot. In this article you can find out whether a visit is worthwhile and what we can recommend.

Kreta: Die besten Reisetipps für den Norden der Insel
Crete: The best travel tips for the north of the island

Crete: The best travel tips for the north of the island

At the end of October we were drawn out into the world again. Our first flight since the beginning of the Corona pandemic was via Athens to Crete. The largest Greek island convinced us during the holiday preparation with valuable history, lots of culture and beautiful nature. The weather is characterized by the Mediterranean climate, so the summers are hot and dry and the winters are rainy and mild. You can find out what you can experience on the sunniest island in the Mediterranean here in this article.

Blick über Krakau
View over Krakow

Travel tips for 5 days in Krakow

something else after all the air travel over the last few years. You can find out how we enjoyed the 5 days in Krakow and what travel tips we have for your city trip in the article.

Anflug über die Golden Gate Bridge nach San Francisco
Approach over the Golden Gate Bridge to San Francisco

What to see in San Francisco on a short trip?

I have visited the Californian metropolis of San Francisco several times, but the city is always worth a visit. Before my departure, I had concerns about the severe air pollution caused by the forest fires in the immediate vicinity (November 2018). You can find out in the following travel report whether my worries were justified and which sights in San Francisco I saw on the short trip.

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Experience Toronto in changeable weather

Our day in Toronto started with bad weather, as the weather forecast had predicted. The view out of the window showed low-hanging clouds, rain and wind – not optimal conditions for exploring the city. We spontaneously changed our plans and decided to spend the day doing indoor activities.

Überall Baustellen in Downtown Detroit
Construction sites everywhere in downtown Detroit

Road Trip USA (Midwest): Detroit and Ann Arbor

Auf unserem Roadtrip durch den Mittleren Westen der USA durfte natürlich ein Stopp in Detroit, der "Motor City", nicht fehlen. Detroit ist eine Stadt voller Kontraste, die mit einer lebendigen Kunstszene, historischer Architektur und spannender Geschichte fasziniert. Gleich um die Ecke liegt Ann Arbor, eine charmante Universitätsstadt, die mit gemütlichen Cafés, unabhängigen Buchläden und grünen Parks zum Verweilen einlädt.

Roadtrip USA (Mittlerer Westen): Frankenmuth
Road trip USA (Midwest): Frankenmuth

Road trip USA (Midwest): Traverse City to Birch Run

Our journey continues through Michigan's scenic landscapes, from the charming seaside town of Traverse City to the cultural and culinary treasures of Frankenmuth and the shopping of Birch Run. Experience the incredible diversity of this region, from the gentle waves of Lake Michigan to the German half-timbered houses and lively outlet centers. Join us on our grandiose road trip through the breathtaking "Great Lakes State"!

Familienspass in den Sleeping Bear Dunes
Family Fun at the Sleeping Bear Dunes

Road trip USA (Midwest): Sleeping Bear Dunes near Traverse City

Im zweiten Teil unseres Roadtrips durch den Mittleren Westen der USA fuhren wir weiter in den Norden von Michigan. Unser Tagesziel waren die Sleeping Bear Dunes, die sich in der Nähe der "Cherry Capital" Traverse City befinden. Dieser Ort hat für mich eine besondere Bedeutung. Mehr darüber erfährst du in unserem Blogbeitrag.

Tulpen Festival in Holland
Tulip Festival in Holland

Road trip USA (Midwest): Tulip Festival in Holland

After two eventful days in Chicago, we are now starting our road trip through the American Midwest. Our first destination for the day was the city of Cadillac in the state of Michigan. On the way we visited the largest tulip festival in Holland. You can find out what else we looked at in the following article.

Chicago von oben
Chicago from above

Experience Chicago with the Chicago CityPASS (Day 2)

Am Vortag hat sich der CityPASS eindeutig gelohnt und wir hatten viel Spaß. An unserem zweiten Tag in Chicago besuchten wir das Naturkundemuseum "The Field Museum", das Adler Planetarium, fuhren auf das höchste Gebäude Chicagos und ließen den Tag im Millennium Park ausklingen.

Kirschblüte in Chicago
Cherry blossom in Chicago

Experience Chicago with the Chicago CityPASS (Day 1)

In May the three of us went to the USA, our son's first time. We started our little tour in Chicago. We had planned two days for this and to visit enough attractions with the Chicago CityPASS. In this article you can find out what you can experience and what we can recommend.

Strand am Golf von Oman
Beach on the Gulf of Oman

United Arab Emirates with toddler

Phew, the weather is always lousy in November. Why not fly into the sun when it gets wet and cold in Germany? It's always sunny and warm in the UAE, so this destination became our first long-haul destination with our young son. But is a Muslim country the right choice and how does the child tolerate the heat? Different culture, different food, different people ... you can find out how relaxing and child-loving the United Arab Emirates are in the following article.