Anflug über die Golden Gate Bridge nach San Francisco
Approach over the Golden Gate Bridge to San Francisco

What to see in San Francisco on a short trip?

I have visited the Californian metropolis of San Francisco several times, but the city is always worth a visit. Before my departure, I had concerns about the severe air pollution caused by the forest fires in the immediate vicinity (November 2018). You can find out in the following travel report whether my worries were justified and which sights in San Francisco I saw on the short trip.

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Rückweg durch die Dunes
Way back through the Dunes

Highway No. 1: Von Morro Bay bis Simi Valley

Breakfast today was a bit poor. Having breakfast in the reception is just not the real thing. So we made our way relatively early along Highway No. 1 to the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes. On this part of the route, from Morro Bay to Simi Valley, the journey no longer took us directly along the Pacific, but a bit inland. The hinterland here is largely used for agriculture. We saw full strawberry fields, in October, and avocado fields, so we think it was avocados.