SFO: Twin Peaks and Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge von den Twin Peaks

After arriving in San Francisco, we wanted to make the most of half the day. So we drove to the Twin Peaks with our super sleek rental car (a Chrysler with all the trimmings). Now we are already in SFO for the third time, so they were finally overdue. The two hills, 276 m (northern peak) and 277 m (southern summit), are the second highest natural elevations in San Francisco. The weather was so clear and the view was really wide. We had almost 30°C, in October, mind you, and the sun was shining, just perfect. The view over Downtown, Market Street and the Golden Gate Bridge was awesome!

Blick die Market Street von den Twin Peaks herunter
View down Market Street from the Twin Peaks
Golden Gate Bridge von den Twin Peaks
Golden Gate Bridge from the Twin Peaks

Hawk Hill

Afterwards we drove to the Golden Gate Bridge, up to Hawk Hill. Unfortunately, there was construction here during the last visit, so it was all the more fun to be able to drive up here today. The view was overwhelming. A little way above the parking lot is an old military station. Only remnants of old buildings and bunker entrances can be found here. But if you go up this last short stretch, the overview of San Francisco is even better.

Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge

View from Hawk Hill:


Afterwards we went on to Sausalito. This pretty little harbour town is an absolute tourist magnet. Maybe there was something going on here! Since we had been here before and knew the place, we drove through the center, always along Main Street to the Floating Homes. This is a community with fancy little houseboats. But they only looked small from a distance. Some were huge and fully developed. So we are of the opinion that none of them could still drive. They were fully connected, with electricity, supply and sewage. It's definitely a really great neighborhood here!

Are you still looking for a suitable hotel in San Francisco?

You can find a hotel that suits your budget through the various online travel agencies such as Agoda,Booking.com,ebookers.de,Expedia,Hotels.com,lastminute.de, otel.com or Venere.com.

Our hotel for the next few nights is theHampton Inn in Union City. It was only reopened in January of this year and you could still smell the paint in the room. Everything is super clean, really chic and mega spacious.


Hallo, ich bin Christin und bin im zauberhaften Merseburg aufgewachsen. Während meines Studiums in Erfurt lernte ich meinen heutigen Mann Christian kennen und wir zogen gemeinsam nach Halle. Mit unserer kleinen Familie wohnen wir nun wieder in meinem ursprünglichen Heimatort. Durch meinen Beruf als Architektin bin ich immer interessiert an Orten mit spannender Geschichte und großartiger Architektur. Schon während meines Studiums war ich oft unterwegs, doch die große Reiseleidenschaft ist erst von meinem Mann auf mich übergeschwappt. Mein Motto: "Der Weg ist das Ziel!" Ein entspannter Urlaub beginnt für uns nämlich schon am Flughafen ... in der Lounge. :-)

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