The Danna Langkawi – Straits & Co

Restaurant Straits & Co

Das kleine schöne Café Restaurant Straits & Co gehört zum Hotel The Danna Langkawi. Hier werden sowohl lokale als auch westliche Snacks und Hauptgerichte serviert. Egal ob drinnen oder draußen, in den von Wasserläufen umgebenen Patios, die Stimmung ist eher entspannt und locker. Ein Gericht kostet zwischen 40 und 50 MYR (um die 10 EUR) und liegt somit vollkommen im preislichen Rahmen. Für den kleinen Mittagssnack oder den großen Mittagshunger ist hier auf jeden Fall etwas dabei.

Restaurant Straits & Co
Restaurant Straits & Co
Speisekarte Straits & Co
Speisekarte Straits & Co

Straits & Co – Snacks

On our arrival day we ate inside at a nice little table due to the heat. As an appetizer there were fish chips with sweet and spicy sauce. We ordered a focaccia bread sandwich with chicken breast for me and a Malaysian nasi lemak with chicken, anchovies and hard-boiled egg for Christian. Both dishes were portioned big enough and very tasty, even if Christian doesn't like anchovies. All I really wanted to drink was apple juice, but what came next was really really great: a really freshly squeezed apple juice made from crunchy green apples, garnished with a slice of apple. When Christian saw it, he immediately wanted one too. But it tasted too good!

The next day we took a short break by the pool for lunch and treated ourselves to one of the patios. We ordered two freshly made smoothies which were awesome. Christian got a burger with onion jam and I got a vegetarian tortilla with avocado salsa. Both were served with fries and are highly recommended! Super super tasty.

Straits & Co – Signature Afternoon Tea

For the Signature Afternoon Tea we could choose between coffee specialties or tea. The following are served on a three-tiered stand: sandwiches, one with salmon and one with tuna. A selection of spinach quiche, vegetarian samosa and spring rolls, homemade scones and traditional English raisin scones. Served with orange marmalade and whipped cream. Of course, there are also desserts, such as chocolate éclair, passion fruit cheesecake and a small fruit salad. It was really a lot and we had trouble and hardship to make it. But that was mainly due to the fact that we also had lunch beforehand. You should only decide on one, lunchtime or afternoon tea, so as not to have to throw yourself out of the café. The price for this excellent and very tasty meal is MYR 100 for two people (includes unlimited coffee or tea). It is served from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily.

The Danna Langkawi – Info

Address:Telaga Harbor Park, Pantai Kok, 07000 Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia

Which travel guide do you recommend for Langkawi?

The Danna Langkawi - Straits & Co 1The Danna Langkawi - Straits & Co 2Entdecken & Erleben Sie die bekannteste Ferieninsel Malaysias – Pulau Langkawi. Die Insel inmitten der azurblauen Andamanensee ist berühmt für ihre faszinierenden Legenden und landschaftliche Schönheit. Auf über 80 Seiten werden Sie in this travel guide guided around the island and get to know Langkawi's authentic corners!

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Bewertung des Straits & Co im Hotel The Danna Langkawi
  • Ambiance
  • Service
  • Eat
  • Price-performance


There is something for everyone here for a small lunchtime snack or a big midday hunger. The prices are about 10 EUR in the frame.


Hello, I'm a Christian and I grew up in magical Merseburg. During my studies in Erfurt, I met my current husband Christian and we moved to Halle together. With our small family we now live again in my original hometown. Due to my profession as an architect, I am always interested in places with exciting history and great architecture. I was already on the road a lot during my studies, but the great passion for travel only spilled over from my husband to me. My motto: "The journey is the reward!" For us, a relaxing holiday begins at the airport ... in the lounge. :-)

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